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About Us

We are a growing community of volunteer technologists, mappers, academics and data scientists who are supporting the relief effort in Beirut and believe that there are obvious benefits to open & safe data sharing. Open Map Lebanon was founded after the 4th of August 2020’s Beirut Blast by Melda Salhab, Marc Farra, Sherif Maktabi, Michelle Melki and Joanne Harik, after identifying duplicated gaps in the relief effort and deciding to increase the availability & accessibility of data in Lebanon for the greater good.

Working Groups

Our community is currently made up of the following active groups:

OPERATIONS & COMMUNITY: Melda Salhab, Marc Farra, Sherif Maktabi, Michelle Melki, Joanne Harik.

DATA SCIENCE: Melda Salhab, Maroun Bou Sleiman, Hiba Baroud, Elsy Ibrahim, Gérard-Philippe Zéhil, Sang-Ho Yun, Elias Khalil, Amal Laaly.

COVID-19 RESEARCH: Maroun Bou Sleiman.

BLAST MODELING: Gérard-Philippe Zéhil, Sang-Ho Yun, Bruno Sousa, Sam Rigby, Charles Aouad.

BEIRUT RECOVERY MAPPING: Sherif Maktabi, Bruno Sousa, Issam Zeitoun, Alexia El Alam.

DRONE & 3D MAPPING: Cyril Menassa.


LEGAL: Issam Zeitoun.


Our Partners

We are currently collaborating with the following teams:


Kickstartaid is a platform that allows NGOs to put themselves on the map for everyone to view them, and specify which items or urgencies are needed in real-time. The map allows volunteers to access the NGOs’ information & donate to them directly through their platform.


Augment is a startup that aims to change the way facilities are managed by enabling better organization of data, and creating 3D models using state-of-the-art technology & Augmented Reality.